Sulake unveils its NFT Advent Calendar giveaway in Habbo

December 1, 2021
by Azerion

NFTs from other collections up for grabs include Mutant Ape Yacht Club, Mekaverse and Ape Gang

Helsinki, FI — December 1st, 2021 — Sulake, part of the digital entertainment and media platform Azerion, announced the beginning of a special Habbo NFT Advent calendar today where 25 NFTs, from a wide variety of collections, will be given away to owners of NFTs from the Habbo Avatars collection. This giveaway is to thank the community and to celebrate the success of bringing NFTs to Habbo as it moves towards being part of Web 3.0. This exclusive giveaway will be taking place every day in the Habbo Avatars Owner Discord from the 1st December up until the 25th when someone will be the happy owner of the grand prize – a Mutant Ape NFT!

“After such a positive reception to our new NFT ventures in Habbo, we wanted to show our appreciation for everyone who took part in our first collection,” said Valtteri Karu, CEO of Sulake. “This is our way of showing support for not only our community, but for the wider metaverse community by introducing our Habbo Avatar owners to a wide range of exciting NFT brands that we personally love.”

In the giveaway, NFTs will be contributed by Sulake itself, from the Habbo Avatars and Habbo Portraits collections, plus additions from collections such as Mutant Ape Yacht Club, Mekaverse, Ape Gang, The Alien Boy, Bored Mummy Waking Up and many more! 

Habbo Avatars is a collection of 11,600 NFTs of randomly generated avatars launched in September which sold out in 26 hours. This giveaway of cool art collectibles is to celebrate the integration of NFTs into Habbo as well as to thank the Habbo Avatar owners for taking part in Habbo’s new blockchain endeavours while demonstrating the collaborative possibilities between brands in the metaverse. 

For more information on Habbo:

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Follow the Habbo Avatars project on Twitter: @HabboNFT

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About Azerion

Azerion is a fast-growing and leading pan-European digital entertainment and media platform. Our integrated platform provides technology solutions to automate the purchase and sale of digital advertising for media buyers and sellers. Content creators, publishers and advertisers work with us to reach millions of people across the globe that play our games and use our entertainment concepts to increase engagement, loyalty and drive e-commerce. Founded in 2014 by two Dutch entrepreneurs, Azerion has experienced rapid expansion thanks to organic growth and strategic acquisitions. Azerion is headquartered in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

About Habbo and Sulake

Sulake is a social entertainment company focused on providing a safe and fun online service for self-expression through its games, Habbo and Hotel Hideaway. Sulake was founded in 2000 by a small team of passionate people and now after 21 years, Habbo is still one of the largest virtual communities in the world, reaching players all over the world each month. With paying customers in over 115 countries and over 850,000 active users a month, Habbo continues to be a hugely popular and globally recognised brand.

Sulake’s mission is to enable its users to meet new people, make friends and give them a place to create and share their user-generated content in fun virtual surroundings. Sulake is a leader in ensuring online safety for children and was acquired in 2020 by Dutch media and technology company Azerion.